(22 U.S.C. 2656, Part D, Sections 571 - 574)

Sec. 571. SHORT TITLE.

This part may be cited as the "Cambodian Genocide Justice Act".

Sec. 572. POLICY.

  1. In General. -- Consistent with international law, it is the policy of the United States to support efforts to bring to justice members of the Khmer Rouge for their crimes against humanity committed in Cambodia between April 17, 1975, and January 7, 1979.

  2. Specific Actions Urged. -- To that end, the Congress urges the President --

    1. to collect, or assist appropriate organizations and individuals to collect relevant data on crimes of genocide committed in Cambodia;

    2. in circumstances which the President deems appropriate, to encourage the establishment of a national or international criminal tribunal for the prosecution of those accused of genocide in Cambodia; and

    3. as necessary, to provide such national or international tribunal with information collected pursuant to paragraph (1).


  1. Establishment. --

    1. None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act for "Diplomatic and Consular Programs" shall be available for obligation or expenditure during fiscal years 1994 and 1995 unless, not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State has established within the Department of State under the Assistant Secretary for East Asia and Pacific Affairs (or any successor Assistant Secretary) the Office of Cambodian Genocide Investigation (hereafter in this part referred to as the "Office").

    2. The Office may carry out its activities inside or outside of Cambodia, except that not less than 75 percent of the funds made available for the Office and its activities shall be used to carry out activities within Cambodia.

  2. Purpose. -- The purpose of the Office shall be to support, through organizations and individuals with whom the Secretary of State may contract to carry out the operations of the Office, as appropriate, efforts to bring to justice members of the Khmer Rouge for their crimes against humanity committed in Cambodia between April 17, 1975, and January 7, 1979, including--

    1. to investigate crimes against humanity committed by national Khmer Rouge leaders during that period;

    2. to provide the people of Cambodia with access to documents, records, and other evidence held by the Office as a result of such investigation;

    3. to submit relevant data to a national or international penal tribunal that may be convened to formally hear and judge the genocidal acts committed by the Khmer Rouge; and

    4. to develop the United States proposal for the establishment of an international criminal tribunal for the prosecution of those accused of genocide in Cambodia.

  3. Contracting Authority. -- The Secretary of State shall, subject to the availability of appropriations, contract with appropriate individuals and organizations to carry out the purposes of the Office.

  4. Notification To Congress. -- The Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives shall be notified of any exercise of the authority of section 34 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 with respect to the Office or any of its programs, projects, or activities at least 15 days in advance in accordance with procedures applicable to notifications under that section.


  1. In General.-- Beginning 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, the President shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees-

    1. that describes the activities of the Office, and sets forth new facts learned about past Khmer Rouge practices, during the preceding 6-month period; and

    2. that describes the steps the President has taken during the preceding 6-month period to promote human rights, to support efforts to bring to justice the national political and military leadership of the Khmer Rouge, and to prevent the recurrence of human rights abuses in Cambodia through actions which are not related to United Nations activities in Cambodia.

  2. Definition. -- For purposes of this section, the term "appropriate congressional committees" means the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives.